Thursday, August 10, 2006

flip brainstorm

flipping hamburgers - flipping futile, careless, boring underpaid work

colour flip - inverse colours, reverse images

flipping my collage squares around to find the best angle. The way flipping the collage creates different patterns, different focuses, different relationships to the other collage squares.

flip - negative and positive

flip - two sides to one coin - positive and negative of things

"on the flip side" - a less familiar side of something that you don't normally see. usually hidden.

flip flop - as a noise - flip is only half of the noise of a flip. Reminds me of a convex shape that flips into a concave shape and flops into a convex shape again.

flip-flop - early computers - two states of the circuit. Flip of computers - positive and negative, binary states of flip and flop, zeros and ones.

flip open a can

flippant - careless, offhand, don't care

flip - throw carelessly

flip out - throw a tantrum, go crazy

flip your lid - get angry

flip through a book - careless, not really interested, not reading in depth, just getting a cursory idea.

flip book - animation

back flip - soumersault. Go back on what you originally decided


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