Wednesday, August 09, 2006


I decided to generate 100 collages because I found the collages so helpful last semester. I have chosen the word flip.


I made a different set of collages each day and tried to come to the collages with a different sey of eyes and different reasoning behind the way I interpreted the word flip.


I think that the images are quite different everyday, and this is helpful to remember that you need to keep coming back with a fresh approach on different days, because you get quite different results and you get more interesting results sometimes after a few days.


I think that I developed in my ideas of what I thought was working I like the flipping of colours and some of the more monochromatic series. I also think it is often quite effective when I sample different sections of the same image, it often creates very interesting series of images.


my favourite set of images, I like the way there are lines running through the rows of images, I also like the colours of this set, and I have sampled different sections of images and pieced them back together to create interesting pattterns and rhythm.


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