Thursday, April 06, 2006


I have been recording sounds. It is interesting to think about things that would be good to have recorded. Once I start listening for sounds, I hear things everywhere that I wouldn't have otherwise heard. It is like when you are looking for photos, you see photos everywhere.

I have recorded sounds in my house, on the bus, at work, at uni, I have also experimented with making sounds deliberately to record. It is difficult to make sounds which sound exactly as I imagine I want them. It shows me that I am not aware of sounds, and sound creation as I am about visual creation of images. I think it is a comment on our visual literacy that we find it much easier to capture and notice images than sounds. But when I am aware of looking for sounds, I hear them everywhere. (It is the same with sight, but I am far more used to capturing images with a camera than I am in capturing sounds with a sound recorder)


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